Assess the Opportunity

What has been done?
What is being done?
What is missing?


schematic showing assessment stage


If an opportunity is to be realised successfully, it is important to identify all of the items that will be required in order to meet the various challenges. Their levels of technical maturity also need to be assessed to ensure that they will meet the required timelines.

The second step is therefore to conduct an assessment of the current status and emerging industry trends in order to establish the technologies and solutions that are already available and those that are under development. This then enables a gap analysis to be conducted so that any items that are missing or that do not meet the required timeline can be identified. These will be the most likely high priority areas on which a future technology development programme will need to focus.

We are able to conduct opportunity screening assessments and have recently completed the following technology reviews and gap analyses:

  • Subsea processing;
  • Subsea High Pressure / High Temperature (HP/HT) production;
  • Subsea instrumentation;
  • Sour gas treatment;
  • Large-scale stranded gas;
  • Small-scale stranded gas;
  • Flow assurance;
  • Oil spill response.

Current focus areas also include:

  • Gas treatment membranes;
  • Subsea fluid sampling;
  • Multiphase metering;
  • Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs).