Define the Programme

Does the opportunity align with the corporate strategy?
How should the opportunity be exploited?
What will each project do?


schematic showing define stage


Once the high priority opportunities have been identified and agreed, the next step is to establish if and how they will be exploited. The starting point is an overall technology development strategy. An opportunity should only be considered for further exploitation if it aligns with the corporate technology strategy. However, assuming that it does so and before starting detailed project planning, an overall plan should be developed.

A technology development programme may often require a number of projects and it is important to identify what these should be and how they fit with each other. There may also be specific interfaces between individual projects that will require active management if a programme is to be fully integrated. At Woodview, we use the following hierarchy to show the links between the overall strategy and individual projects:


schematic of links between the overall strategy and individual projects


As well as supporting the development of corporate technology strategies, we have recently completed the identification and definition of challenges and project portfolios for the following themes, all of which obtained the necessary funding approvals:

  • Floating production;
  • Subsea facilities;
  • Multiphase systems.
  • Advanced process plant;
  • Composite materials;